Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why do you think the film is called "The True Cost?" Support you answer with examples from the film.

The film "The True Cost" is a documentary showing the behind-the-scenes of the fashion industry for production and manufacturing. It shows the poor working conditions that normal people from other countries have to work through everyday. From unhealthy building construction, to harmful chemicals and scents, these workers are suffering. The wages are extremely low for them. Making a few cents per day or week, these people still do so much for the fashion industry of the rest of the world. The businesses do not really care about their employees, only their products and sales. Working conditions are horrible. For example, a building of a business collapsed, due to poor construction and check-ups. This killed many workers and injured many, too. This film displays the real-life scenarios in the fashion world, rather than the false euphoria of "perfect" models and over-prices clothing. The film, in my opinion, is called "The True Cost" because of the fact is shows the real truth. Behind the $12.99 you pay for a shirt at Forever 21, there are lives suffering to make it for you.

What is pop-up retail and why is it a good choice for some retailers?

Pop-up retail is essentially a pop-up store or shop. These shops are short-term spaces used for quick sales. They come and go very fast, and build customer interest from the exposure. Common pop-up shops include items such as Halloween costumes, Christmas decorations, and fireworks. Products such as these catch the eyes of customers and luring them in to look around. Pop-up shops are easy for small, unborn businesses to test what the business world is like. It is a cheap way of getting some sales and making money. Shops that are small, cheap, and temporary, are likely to sell more than expected, because some consumers and customers may feel as if they wont ever see a good deal like that again. These retail shops allow more room for interactivity. This way, brands can have the opportunity to capture "foot traffic" without having to commit to a long term lease. Also, advertising and fundraisers can be used for pop-up shops. Causes such as breast cancer and rare diseases commonly set up small booths to gain donations for what they are trying to support. There are many ways to use pop-up retail; there are infinite options.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Discuss the 5 Phases discussed in the article, and briefly describe each.

In the article, "Five Phases of the New Product Development" by Daphne Adams, the five phases of the new product development are explained. Product development is a large, long process that is preformed by both small and large businesses. The first stage is "Idea Generation". This is the first stage in the process where a business "sources for ideas" regarding a new product. They research different things such as their potential group of customers, where they can advertise, etc. Performing all this research lays a nice foundation to build on for their new and improving product. Next comes the "Screening" stage where the brainstormed ideas are "screened" and looked at thoroughly by multiple other people. Ideas are streamed to co-workers and customers, as well as other businesses for input. At the end of this stage, usually a few ideas are kept from the large amount from produced in the beginning. Third, is the stage of "Concept Development". Here, the company conducts more research on the product such as cost of supplies, etc. Also, the business conducts a "SWOT" analysis. This recognizes the strengths, weaknesses, and possible threats of the product if it went into the market. Lastly, is the "Product Development and Commercialization" phase, which is basically two stages. During this time, the company starts to take action and manufacture the product. Prototypes and test-copies of the item are made. Then, the actual-size large products are made and are ready to be launched in the market. Campaigns and Advertising are conducted to get the name out there and they prepare for introducing it to the world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

You are styling a television show. Dress characters for the show.

For a television show, each character would probably be dressed a different way.

  • Dashing Husband - A sleek, maroon suit with shiny black dress shoes. His suit is always pressed and wrinkle-free, and his shoes are always clean as can be. The tint of red of his suit is dark and alluring, and mysteriously drives women crazy.
  • Air-Headed Wife - This woman wears a pastel pink bomber jacket with skinny blue jeans and brown leather ankle boots. Her blonde hair draws the men, but her lack of intelligence has them going the opposite direction. The blue jeans show she's set-back and casual. Her pastel pink bomber jacket releases a sweet, innocent vibe. The brown boots give her a fun image.
  • Jealous Neighbor - The jealous neighbor would be a woman in her mid 20's who is envious of the "Dashing Husband's" wife because she can have him but she, herself, cant. This neighbor would be always wearing a black, form-fitting dress and tall, dark green heels when she is around the husband. She wishes to "wow!" the husband, causing him to eventually choose her instead of his wife. The black dress has a halter neckline and has seams, which are brown, in different places to enhance the woman's body features. The green is a symbol of her envy for the wife, and the black dress create a "classy" look for her, in attempt to catch the eye of the husband, and also her evilness for her planning of stealing the husband.
  • Naive Daughter - This daughter would wear a bright orange coat with grey leggings and tall white knee boots. The orange coat shows her boldness, but also her lack of wisdom. Grey leggings and white boots show her attempt to be sophisticated but not quite. Also, the white boots show her innocence. 
  • Youngest Girl Child - A yellow dress and white dress-flats with white ankle socks and white frilly ribbon on the top of them would be a perfect outfit for this daughter. The yellow dress shows she is bright, happy, and brings warmth to the family. The white shoes and socks show her innocence and purity. She is the youngest daughter and is automatically loved by everyone.
  • The Son Who Can Do No Wrong - This boy is about 10 years old and wears a white t-shirt with a navy blue sweater tied around his neck. He wears white jeans and small, shiny, black dress shoes, just like his father. The family is rich and can afford to dress super nice. The black shoes show the wealth and class of his family. His white shirt and pants show his purity and innocence to the rest of the world. The navy blue sweater shows his casual, comfortable personality. He is the youngest boy and is well-favored for "doing no wrong."
  • Crazy Aunt - A crazy aunt like this character would be all over the place with her outfits. She would wear a typical, tan and black leopard print, pair of pants and a bright purple blouse. Her shoes are red flats and she wears big, gold hoop earrings. Her pants show her fun, crazy side and the purple shirts reflects that she is also fun, creative, and loud. The red shoes show her love for others because, although she is "crazy", she still contains a big heart. The big gold hoop earrings show her family's wealth, too.
  • Villainous Doctor - This doctor would be wearing a black lab coat and bright yellow, rubber gloves. This black coat gives the character an evil, mysterious image and is essentially scary to all the other characters. The yellow gloves, despite the black lab coat, is a caution symbol, especially since he is a doctor. The caution and the evil mixed together creates the villainous doctor that he is, and he also wears black scrubs under his coat and big, chunky black tennis shoes.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Read article about the film, "The True Cost." Do you agree with Stella McCartney's statement that change may have to be led by consumers?

I strongly agree with the statement by Stella McCartney that suggests that customers have to lead change if they want it. The leading companies and businesses already have a productive way to produce and sell the goods that they are providing. Without customer input, the companies will continue to go along with their way of manufacturing goods. Even if this means putting innocent people in danger with their working conditions, they will continue to work the way that they've decided to run things. Customers of these large companies have more power than they think. Without us, their company is nothing and they make no money. It is our choice to continue to buy their goods especially after knowing the behind the scenes of it all. Unfortunately, most people still purchase things from these businesses, keeping them up and running. However, if the public community of consumers stood up to make a change, change is very possible. For example, we consumers can protest by not buying their goods. Depending on how many people join this strike, big change could happen. Either way, the company loses money, whether it is $1 or $1,000,000. If the company loses a significant amount of money due to this protest, they may change parts of their work to please the customers in hope of them returning. Companies just want to be successful and if they figure out a cheap sufficient way to produce their goods, they will continue to work that way unless someone comes in and stops them.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Why do you think color is so influential in our clothing choices? Do you agree that color "sells the product?"

Clothing and clothing colors have a influential aspect of them. Garments come in tons and tons of colors and some colors sell more than others. The amount of sales per color of garment depends on a lot of things: the store, the audience, the price, and more. People buy colors of clothing that they personally like, and there are some people who buy colors that they feel look good on them, despite if the like the color or not. Some people do both. Society has put the label of pink being strictly a girl's color. Pink garments sell a lot with women, however, there has been a rise of male buyers for pink clothing. Maybe it is because they like the color; maybe it is to break the society label; maybe it is to support a cause; maybe it is something else. Who knows, but other "girly" colors sell a lot for women and girls in the fashion industry. I agree with the statement "color sells the product" because although plain white t-shirts and denim-blue jeans are classics, the introduction and obsession with colors and crazy patters in modern-time fashion had created a popular interest in society. Therefore, colored garments have been selling more than a simple black or white shirt. Colors come in an extremely large variety. Every color on the color wheel comes in various tints and shades, and there are infinite color combinations to choose from. Creating a piece of clothing in a way that no one else has ever seen before allows those trend-setters out there to adopt the trend or fashion and turn it into a "thing" where other people (trend followers) copy them. Color plays a huge part in the fashion industry and casts an influence on many other things, not just fashion in the fashion world.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What is color theory?

The color theory is a theory in visual arts. This theory is a "body of practical guidance" to color mixing and the visual representation of color combinations. The color wheel includes color mixtures and displays different things such as complementary colors and more. It defines the primary, secondary, and tertiary color categories, too! The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. Secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. Tertiary colors include the colors in-between, or a mix of primary and secondary colors, such as yellow-orange, blue-green, or blue-purple. The color wheel shows possible color combinations between the color categories. In addition, the color wheel can be split in half to produce warm and cool color groups. The warm color group includes red, orange, yellow, and every color in between. For cool colors, green, blue, and purple come to mind. Cool colors are thought to be relaxing and soothing, while warm colors represent emotions such as anger or symbols for words like "CAUTION" since these colors catch people's eyes easily. The color theory is not simply the normal color wheel, it is a bundle of several different wheels, diagrams, and information that produce one big idea. The color theory is a mixture of different things that help one understand the aspect of colors and color combinations for the physical appearance of it and the way your brain sees it, because the way your brain and eyes perceive colors is important.