Monday, November 2, 2015

Read article about the film, "The True Cost." Do you agree with Stella McCartney's statement that change may have to be led by consumers?

I strongly agree with the statement by Stella McCartney that suggests that customers have to lead change if they want it. The leading companies and businesses already have a productive way to produce and sell the goods that they are providing. Without customer input, the companies will continue to go along with their way of manufacturing goods. Even if this means putting innocent people in danger with their working conditions, they will continue to work the way that they've decided to run things. Customers of these large companies have more power than they think. Without us, their company is nothing and they make no money. It is our choice to continue to buy their goods especially after knowing the behind the scenes of it all. Unfortunately, most people still purchase things from these businesses, keeping them up and running. However, if the public community of consumers stood up to make a change, change is very possible. For example, we consumers can protest by not buying their goods. Depending on how many people join this strike, big change could happen. Either way, the company loses money, whether it is $1 or $1,000,000. If the company loses a significant amount of money due to this protest, they may change parts of their work to please the customers in hope of them returning. Companies just want to be successful and if they figure out a cheap sufficient way to produce their goods, they will continue to work that way unless someone comes in and stops them.

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