Friday, September 18, 2015

Read this article about technology in this year's "New York Fashion Week." Why do you think this is important? Do you think this trend will continue? Why or why not?

2015 New York Fashion Week has introduced a completely new style of clothing to the world: Responsive Technological Garments. This type of clothing basically takes lights and sensors and incorporates them into dresses, active wear, shirts, and anything else, to be worn by any client who is interested and is able to buy. Of course, these are not on sale yet, but bracelets of this kind will be around the holiday season of this year. This trend is brand new to the public and is a lot of work to make, and a lot of money to buy. Regular citizens most likely will not buy garments of this sort because many do not make enough extra money to buy expensive items like this. The top clients will most likely be high class, wealthy people who have extra money to use to buy these outfits. Because of the fact that most middle-class people cannot afford items of this style, the idea may prosper but the sales will not be very high. On top of that, even if most people could afford this, a majority of people enjoy wearing subtle fashions to blend in with everyone else around them, such as normal jeans and a t-shirt or jacket. Avant-Garde people may be more interested in something like this because of the fact that buying it will help them stand out extremely among the rest of society. Since the majority of buyers will probably not be middle-class, the sales will be lower and it will essentially not be a trend. The fact that designers are incorporating technology and lighting into physically wearable items is a huge step for the industry and society, but right now I do not believe that the trend will continue unless the items were made affordable to lower class citizens in society.

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