Thursday, October 15, 2015

Read "Standards for Career-Ready Practice,"as set forth by the California Department of Education here. Focusing on the #10 through#12, choose one of these three you feel the most important as you transition into college and career. Why did you choose this one? Can you relate it to something in your own life or something you have observed?

   There were a few standards from the "Standards for Career Ready Practice" that stood out to me. However, while looking at numbers 10-12, the one that stood out the most to me was number 10. This states: Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Creativity and innovation is important for any job or school. For instance, a fashion or art school will probably look for a person with creativity and skills, rather than a plain person who thinks just like everyone else. Creative people find new and effective ways to solve problems. They think "outside of thebox" and function differently than other people. Also, innovative people are advanced and understand more than a person with no background knowledge of the subject. Primarily, these types of people are looked up to, whether if it is to design a new building or garment, or figuring out a way to solve an issue. The skills of creativity are highly admired, especially in the fashion and arts industries. If no one was creative, we would have all the same garments in every store. Since there are innovative and creative people working in these areas, the world is introduced to new things everyday. Some people love change, and that is what these people do: they create new, crazy things. Personally, I consider myself a creative person. I enjoy learning new ways of doing things such as designing fashion, drawing, or re-decorating my room. This has helped me in many ways to be different from others because a majority of others around me think in the same old box. Me, I think way outside that box; I jump out of that comfort zone and i just act! My creativity allows me to exceed in the subjects I love most and advance in my placement while working up to my big goal of becoming a fashion designer.

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